consultancy services

Wednesday , 20 Dec 2023
Who represents the organization here?

Allow me to borrow two minutes of your time to understand how an employee perceives an organization's culture.

To comprehend this better, let's take a journey with a software engineer, Lalitha, to spend a few minutes. Lalitha is a software engineer with around five years of experience. Today is her first day at her third company. She spent five years in her first company, and the second one, she only stayed for three months..

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For her, her immediate boss is the first-line representative of the organization, and they are like relay runners holding the organization's cultural baton. Her boss is the first point of contact for her, and in their behaviour, she sees the reflection of the organization's culture. As she considered her boss the primary representative of the organization, rather than analysing the organization itself, she began scrutinizing the behaviour of her previous bosses.

Her views on her boss, where she worked for five years:
  • Her previous boss was a people person; they facilitated a system for everyone to thrive and share their skills.
  • They were not concerned about the outcome; they focused on the process, and the process they built yielded award-winning outcomes.
  • Her boss stood on the front-line during terminations, taking the bullets on behalf of the team, and stood last during appreciation, ensuring the team received their share of recognition.
  • Her boss stood on the front-line during terminations, taking the bullets on behalf of the team, and stood last during appreciation, ensuring the team received their share of recognition.
  • There was no micromanagement because, the team members were educated about their role and its impact on the organization's vision.
  • They customized and aligned every team member's role with the organization's vision.
Views about her boss, where she worked for three months:
  • They lacked a vision for what the organization expected from its employees.
  • They believed that micromanagement would enhance individual output.
  • They were unwilling to pass on appreciation to their team.
  • They ignored the individual's training needs and made to perform their job without proper preparation.

In her first job, she experienced a welcoming environment where the immediate boss was a people person. They were willing to give time for newly joined employees to adapt to the office culture, and in case of any escalation, they stood before them, took bullets from the client, and calmly explained the best way to complete a task.

The impact of a front-line leader's actions has long-lasting effects on an employee's stability and engagement within the organization. Positive leadership practices contribute to a positive work environment.

Despite a good environment, what made Lalitha quit her first job? That's a story line for another episode.

Do share your views in the comment on what kind of front-line leaders you prefer